Saturday, November 3, 2012

Divorced people give good advice

I found an interesting article on Today Health. It's titled "Your divorced friends may give the best marriage advice".

They said that people who have experienced a divorce know how things go wrong and have insight into how they would do things differently. We are very interested in this part of our culture as evidenced by the "16 ways I blew my marriage" article that has exploded on the internet.

Today Health sites an research study that shows 46% of their sample ended their first marriage with divorce.

The biggest issue of these failed marriages was finances.

Those who had ambivalent feelings about their ex were the healthiest and most likely to be in a new relationship. Having negative feelings is hurtful but the interesting part is that it is also important to let go of positive feelings. You can feel at peace with a past relationship but it is important that you don't still have romantic feelings for an ex if you are to participate in a new serious relationship.

Though people who have divorced may have good insights, their second marriage has a higher chance of ending in divorce than general first marriages.  The divorce rate for a second marriage is 60%. The divorce rate for a third marriage is 73%! source 

What conclusion do we draw from this? I don't know. The result is many, many conclusions are thrown out there for people to catch or not. Divorce is a big part of our culture and we are fascinated with trying to understand it. I think we can agree that we want good relationships to succeed. The goal is people to understand the behaviors to create and edify a good relationship.

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